Squirrels are one of the most common creatures that you might see scampering around in parks, gardens, and forests. These adorable little animals with bushy tails have a lot of interesting secrets that you might not know about!
Busy Builders
Squirrels are known for their incredible ability to build nests, also known as ‘dreys’. They usually make them out of twigs, leaves, and even shredded bark. They prefer to build these cozy homes up high in the trees to stay safe from predators.
Nutty for Nuts
While many people think squirrels only eat nuts, their diet is actually quite varied. They are not picky eaters and will munch on fruits, seeds, and even small insects. But nuts are important too, as they bury them in the ground to save for later, which sometimes results in new trees growing!
Chatty Creatures
Squirrels have a fascinating way of communicating. They use a series of chirps and tail movements to talk to each other. Next time you see a squirrel, pay attention and you might just understand what they’re saying!
Seasonal Gatherers
During autumn, squirrels are especially busy collecting food to store for the winter. This is called ‘caching’. They have an amazing memory to remember where they’ve hidden their food. But sometimes, they forget, which is good for the environment because it helps more trees to grow!
Playful Acrobats
Squirrels are also known for their acrobatic skills. They can jump up to 10 times their body length and turn their ankles 180 degrees to face any direction when climbing. They’re the gymnasts of the animal kingdom!
A Squirrel’s Life Cycle
Squirrels usually have two breeding seasons per year and can give birth to 2-8 babies at a time. The babies are called ‘kits’ or ‘kittens’, and they’re born blind. After about eight weeks, they’re ready to start exploring the world on their own.
Join the adventure and learn more about these fascinating creatures by downloading our squirrel coloring page. It’s not just fun, it’s also a great way to learn about the wonders of nature!