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Autumn Showers Bring Joyful Hours

When the autumn season arrives, it doesn’t just bring cooler air and beautiful leaves; it also brings the joy of rain! Have you ever watched the rain fall and listened to the soft tapping sound it makes?

Puddles: Nature’s Playgrounds

During autumn, the rain creates puddles that become like little lakes on the streets and in parks. These puddles can be lots of fun to play in. With waterproof boots, you can jump in and make a big splash without getting your feet wet! Did you know that some puddles can get as big as 1 meter (or 3 feet) in diameter? That’s big enough to be a splash zone for your toy boats!

Raindrops: The Tiny Magicians

Have you ever seen raindrops race each other down the window? Each drop seems to be in a hurry, doesn’t it? Raindrops can vary in size, usually between 0.1 to 5 millimeters (0.004 to 0.2 inches) in diameter. That’s smaller than a pea! They fall from the sky when clouds get too heavy with water. It’s like the clouds are playing a game, seeing who can hold the most water before letting it go.

Colors of Autumn

Autumn is also a time when leaves change their clothes. They switch from green to amazing shades of yellow, orange, and red. This happens because trees prepare for the winter and stop making a green pigment called chlorophyll. So the other colors that were always in the leaves get a chance to show off!

The Umbrella: Your Rainy Day Friend

An umbrella is like a shield against the rain. It keeps you dry while you walk under it. Did you know that the word ‘umbrella’ comes from the Latin word ‘umbra’ which means shade or shadow? Umbrellas were used for protection from the sun before they were used for rain!

As the story of autumn unfolds, why not find your own colorful umbrella and boots, and step outside? You can join the exciting exploration of autumn and even make your own splashes in the puddles. Don’t forget, you can continue the fun by downloading the coloring page and adding your own bright colors to the rainy day adventure. Let your imagination bring the autumn rain to life right on your paper!

Amid the soft pitter-patter of rain, three kittens uncover the bright, playful secrets of autumn.
Ever wondered where birds go during autumn? Join the journey of these feathered travelers!
Step into the crisp air of autumn where pumpkins abound and every leaf whispers the story of harvest time.
Dive into the autumn season as we explore the lively dance of falling leaves and the helpers of the park.
Autumn is a beautiful season where the leaves on trees change color and the world seems to dress in red, gold, and orange. Have you ever wondered why this happens?

Autumn Fun: Splashing into the Season!

Friends! We use automatic translation for texts by foreign authors. If you notice an incorrect translation, please let us know! We apologize for any inaccuracies.

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