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Exploring the United States Capitol

A Building Full of Stories

Have you ever seen a building that looks like it has its own tales to tell? The United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., is just like that! It’s a big, beautiful building where the laws of the United States are made. It’s been standing for over 200 years – that’s a really long time!

Amazing Architecture

When you first see the Capitol, you’ll notice its giant dome. It’s about 88 meters (289 feet) tall – that’s as tall as a 29-story building! Inside the dome, there’s a fantastic painting called ‘The Apotheosis of Washington.’ It shows George Washington surrounded by other important figures from American history.

Rooms Full of Decisions

Inside the Capitol, there are two important rooms: the Senate and the House of Representatives. This is where important leaders called senators and representatives meet to decide on new laws. Imagine, this is where decisions that shape the whole country are made!

Art and History Everywhere

The Capitol isn’t just a place for making laws; it’s like a museum, too! There are statues and paintings of famous Americans everywhere. Each state in the U.S. has given statues of two important people from their history to be displayed in the Capitol.

A Place for Everyone

The Capitol is a symbol of American democracy, where every person’s voice matters. It’s a place that belongs to all Americans and represents their hopes and dreams. When you visit, you can feel the history and the stories of all the people who have walked its halls.

Join us in this exciting journey through the United States Capitol. You can learn so much about American history and the people who helped shape it. And don’t forget to download a coloring page of the Capitol to add your own splash of color to this historic building!

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Exploring the United States Capitol: A Fascinating Journey

Friends! We use automatic translation for texts by foreign authors. If you notice an incorrect translation, please let us know! We apologize for any inaccuracies.

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