In the heart of a bustling kingdom, there lived a young woman named Cinderella. Despite the hardships she faced, she remained kind-hearted and hopeful. One day, an invitation to the royal ball arrived. Though she wished to attend, her wicked stepmother and stepsisters forbade it. As the evening approached, she felt a deep sorrow.
However, magic was in the air. With a swirl of sparkles, her Fairy Godmother appeared. With a wave of her wand, she transformed a humble pumpkin into a magnificent carriage. White mice turned into horses, and Cinderella’s tattered dress became a gown of dreams.
As the carriage wheels spun, they left trails of stardust. Cinderella was on her way to the ball, where fate awaited. At the stroke of midnight, amidst laughter and dance, she had to make her escape, leaving behind a single glass slipper.
Join this enchanting tale, as Cinderella embarks on a magical adventure. Will the prince find the mysterious maiden? Download the coloring and let your imagination soar!